Where was the special travel regime introduced due to the pandemic?

A special regime of movement due to the pandemic was introduced in almost half of the Russian regions Authorities of 39 from 85 regions of Russia by Friday evening introduced a special mode of movement due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection. Some of them limited entry to certain settlements, some revised the conditions of movement throughout the territory of the entire subject, follows from the statements of the regional authorities and the regulatory legal acts signed by them. The self-isolation regime, mandatory or advisory, has been introduced in all regions of the Russian Federation. In most subjects, it applies to citizens of all ages, in some - only to certain groups, for example, persons over 65 years old. Cases of coronavirus infection have been identified in all regions of Russia. Since April 17, the quarantine regime began to operate in Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory), where 31 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded. Only emergency vehicles and life sup...